Course: Emotional Healing


Emotional Healing

Text lesson

How to Use This Course

How to Maximize the Course Benefits

Each lesson can be read in 10 to 20 minutes. Each exercise takes on average 1 hour to complete. Some take 30 minutes, some 1 hour, and a few take over 2 hours.

While it might be physically possible to complete the whole course in a long weekend, I don’t recommend you do this. This course is designed for 1 Topic to take at least 3 days and ideally 7 days. This means the course should take you 6 to 12 weeks.

To gain the maximum benefit from this course, you spend time in-between lessons reflecting on what you are learning. Give God time to work the material into your life. Several exercises require developing an ongoing awareness of how you are functioning. Take the time to do this work between each lesson.

Process for Asking Questions

You are welcome to ask a question about the lesson materials. Your instructor (Matt) will respond to your question to help you understand the material. He won’t answer personal questions because that kind of input is only appropriate in a counseling relationship.

Lesson questions will focus on the material such as: Why is it wrong to numb pain?

Personal questions will focus on you such as: What should I do when I am in pain?

If you need in-depth feedback on your concerns, you may inquire to see if Matt is available for coaching or counseling.

Lesson Questions

While viewing a lesson, click the green question circle on the top-right of your screen. This will open the Questions sidebar.

You may ask a new question with the “My Question” button or you may reply to an existing question.

Please limit your questions and replies to serious discussions about the current lesson. Questions about the course that do not fit in the context of the lesson might be converted to a FAQ. Please do not create or participate in off-topic comments; they will be deleted.

If you choose to ask a question using the built-in discussion board, your name, questions, and comments will be visible to other students. If you prefer privacy, you may either not post or change your name in your profile to a nickname.

Instructor Questions

To ask a general question about the course or one that does not fit well with a specific lesson, contact your instructor. Browse to your Instructor’s Profile, select your instructor, and then you may send a message.

Administrative Questions

To ask a financial or other administrative question, browse to your Student Dashboard and click on the “Send Request” button.

How to Complete the Exercises

Most exercises are attached to the end of the lesson and formatted as PDFs. If you don’t have a PDF reader, you can download one here.

For optimal impact, start a journal to keep track of all your thoughts and answers while you are reading the lessons and working on the exercises. Print out the PDF so you can write on it. Using your hand to write on paper can be more therapeutic than typing on a computer. If you don’t have a printer, then read the PDF on your computer and write in your journal.

How to Navigate Between Lessons

Normally you will click the right-arrow button in the bottom-right of the lesson. This will take you to the next lesson. You may also use the navigation menu by clicking on the menu button in the top-left of the lesson.

After you finish a lesson, mark it “Complete.” You may continue to browse to any lesson after you have marked it complete, however, unmarking the lesson is not possible. Please be aware that you must mark each lesson “Complete” if you want to receive a Certificate of Achievement at the end.

If you’ve finished the course and want to take it again, the administrator can reset your course to the beginning (all lessons will show as not completed).

Individual License to Use

If you benefit from this course and believe it will help others, please tell them about it. However, please don’t copy the materials and share them with others. Each person who wants to read the course and complete the exercises must sign up with their own account.